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Food for Thought: Idea Forum & Potluck

FOOD FOR THOUGHT IDEA FORUM & POTLUCK is a place to get inspired and share your mind. 

Instead of everyone reading the same book, everyone responds to the same topic through whatever media that resonates with them, like A BACKWORDS BOOK CLUB. 

Share a reading from a book, talk about a movie, album, play, or experience, or bring something new - play a song, perform a poem, read some prose - that you connect with the month’s topic:


verb [ with obj. ]

anticipate with great apprehension or fear: Jane was dreading the party 

[ with infinitive ] : I dread to think what Russell will say.

(archaic) regard with great awe or reverence.


1 great fear or apprehension: the thought of returning to New Jersey filled her with dread 

[ in sing. ] : I used to have a dread of Sunday afternoons.


2 informal a person with dreadlocks.

(dreads) dreadlocks.


adjective [ attrib. ]

greatly feared; dreadful: he was stricken with the dread disease and died.

(archaic) regarded with awe; greatly revered: that dread being we dare oppose.


ORIGIN Old English ādrǣdan, ondrǣdan; related to Old High German intrātan .


Food for Thought: Idea Forum is emotionally hosted by Nathan Eliot, physically hosted by Eat My Words Bookstore, and technically enabled by Molly O C Rowan.

Earlier Event: October 29
Marilyn Jax—Never in Ink
Later Event: November 8
Barbara Deese—Forgotten Spirits